Tuesday, March 3, 2015

The Joys of a K-12 School

There is so much going on all of the time in all of the divisions of our school.  Not only is it a pleasure to be here.  It is just plain fun!!

Every division celebrated the New Year of trees with a variety of activities.  Morah Hemda, Morah Talya and Moreh Shimshon prepared wonderful sedarim for their students  that included: songs, biographical sketches researched by students and delivered in Hebrew, and plates full of the fruits from the trees of Israel.  The pre-k 4 celebrated by visiting Home Depot and touring the nursery there.  They learned about how trees grow, what kind of soil is necessary and what kind of fertilizer works best.  The staff of Home Depot was so impressed with our students that they offered to adopt us as a school, promising to send out a tree specialist to canvas our grounds and determine the best place to plant trees.  You can see a tree sample outside of the pre-k 4 classroom full of beautiful blossoms. 

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While 10 of our high school students were in Connecticut participating in Yeshiva University’s Model United Nations, another 12 high school students were competing downtown in District Court against local schools in Mock Trial. 

I returned from Connecticut in time to catch a Friday assembly run by the RiverKings Hockey organization who came to present David Finkelstein and the sixth grade with a check and free game tickets for an award-winning essay and also to answer students’ questions about hockey.

Our Facing History leadership committee has again been at work running workshops for 7th, 8th , and 9th grade boys.  The theme this year is bullying.  They adeptly introduce scenarios, run discussions and leave students with important messages to take beyond the classroom. 

 Adar was ushered in with a school-wide song and breakfast fest.  High school students accompanied early childhood, elementary, and junior high students to the gym where our school band was playing Jewish music and everyone caught the beat and started dancing.  We were treated to some humorous renditions of popular songs by Rabbi Gersten, some great costumes ( especially Rabbi Baldinger’s ), and a delicious breakfast prepared by Sandra Osdoba, assisted by Tonya and Steve,  and made possible through the generosity of Michael Schneider ( brother of our very own Francie) in memory of his parents, David and Rita Schneider z"l  and the Graber Family in honor of Evelyn Graber’s birthday.

Bluma Zuckerbrodt Finkelstein did an instructive and entertaining presentation to the upper school on the upcoming elections in Israel, highlighting the major parties, their representatives, and their campaign advertising.  Students were able to ask penetrating questions and make important comparisons to our own government and elections.

Students have been arriving in costumes all week – animal costumes, creative and silly hats, career day costumes and a wonderful tribute to Dr. Seuss on his birthday.  Children have been bounding out of their cars in the morning at carpool, anxious to see what their friends are wearing and to show off their own creations.  The mood has been enhanced by activities and decorations produced by our Bat Ami girls:  Moriya Ben Hemo and Naomi Tenenbaum, and the hallways are filled with the mouthwatering smells of freshly baked hamentashen. The fun continues with chagigot for the upper school packed with Purim shtick and carnivals on Shushan Purim.  Not to be forgotten, there are reminders in all divisions to remember to give tzedaka before Purim begins.

While some high school students are away at AIPAC, the rest of the upper school students watched Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to Congress, via live streaming, and followed this up with meaningful analysis and discussion. 

Meanwhile the high school girls have been doing a series of follow up activities based on the Shabbos Project of last fall.  They provided an enjoyable learning experience for upper elementary  students.   Watch the youtube link below to capture the essence.  Many thanks to Mrs. Malkah Harris for directing and facilitating this activity.

They are continuing to volunteer with Special Olympics Bowling on Mondays.  In their free time, they are planning and preparing for their upcoming shabbaton and winter trip to St. Louis, while squeezing in rehearsal time for an upcoming play, soon to be followed by their annual gala dinner. 
The third graders are busy preparing for their Purim play, this Friday, under the able direction of Anat Kampf.  The first graders have just completed their Siddur Presentation, a sparkling array of songs and dances prepared by Yehudit Soleman, Linda Schlesinger, Ricky Kampf, and Shimshon Soleman. Every Friday there is an assembly before dismissal featuring a d’var Torah by one class and a short presentation by another class.

Learning outside of the classroom continues for our high school boys.  There are mishmar nights twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays, where boys select what they want to learn in a beit midrash environment. There is additional learning  and Kiddush after davening on Shabbat mornings.

May we all be blessed to continue with all of these endeavors in the future. What a fine place to work!!

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