Friday, September 12, 2014

Journalism at MHA

Perhaps you are unaware of the journalistic efforts of our students.  They are quite impressive.  Today saw the publication and distribution of both the Junior Journal, our Junior High publication, and the CYHSB Weekly, the boys High School publication.  Coming soon will be the GMSG Weekly.  The Junior High publication comes out monthly.  The boys High School newspaper comes out weekly, and the Girls School entry comes out biweekly. These are all available in the local synagogues on Shabbat.   New this year is the High School Creative Journal which will highlight creative endeavors of the students in a number of different areas.  I am especially proud of these publications.  They show initiative, real journalistic style, and a commitment to finding meaningful and noteworthy topics to address.  They are excellent examples of collaborative learning, not just between students, but between students and their faculty advisors, Talya Tsuna and Ashley Brown.  My husband has always said that any program or publication should be of a caliber that it interests anyone, not just a small, specific audience.  These publications have universal appeal.  They are written thoughtfully, with humor, and reflect contemporary issues and concerns in all areas – the arts, sports, politics, and reflections on school events,  a  little bit of something for everyone! Best of all, there is always a substantial d’var Torah, and a recognition of the importance of upcoming yom tovim and the moods that each one inspires.  They always have a very “Jewish touch,” something which should be fundamental to everything that we publish and distribute.  These publications serve as outstanding examples of our mission statement –“The Margolin Hebrew Academy/ Feinstone Yeshiva of the South is a warm, community-focused, value-driven Orthodox Jewish Day School that empowers and inspires its students with the knowledge and skills they will need to meaningfully contribute to all aspects of society.”

Please look for a copy of our publications.

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