Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Get Ready, Get Set...

Today the teachers gathered together for their first day of in-service, in preparation for “Back to School Night” on Sunday evening, August 17,  for Early Childhood and Elementary school, “Meet the Teachers” for Early childhood on Monday, August 18, and finally the first day for everyone on Tuesday, August 19.  The lunchroom was filled with excitement and good cheer as old friends touched base about the summer and new arrivals were convivially incorporated.  As feelings of enthusiasm continued, the teachers got down to real work.  This week before school starts has been set aside for classroom preparation, lesson planning, collaborative sessions, but most of all, to introduce and evaluate professional development initiatives that will make for better education for all of our children. 

This year all divisions are focusing on “Making Thinking Visible.”  This educational approach seeks to train students to think more often and more critically, and to become more accomplished problem solvers, by demonstrating to the students, exactly what takes place when one “thinks” about a problem, an issue, a puzzle or conundrum.  This approach attempts to show the students more clearly what steps are actually involved in the thinking process, so that they will be better at applying the procedures to all types of learning situations.  It is truly a skill that will serve them well for the rest of their lives, both in and out of school.  All of the various divisions have been working on applying the methodology in ways that are relevant to them. 

I am also encouraging an initiative called Appreciative Inquiry, introduced to me by Charna Schubert,  which seeks to change the culture – the atmosphere, the morale - of a given group of employees.  This approach was first used in the industrial and sales world to increase output and customer satisfaction.  Many fortune 500 companies have gone through the process.  It is now being used to make schools more productive, by drawing on the inner core of strength of the educational institution.  By determining what works well and why it works, employees can build and strengthen their workplace.  Appreciating everyone’s contributions and establishing an atmosphere in which they can thrive and rise to their potential can successfully turn a culture of negativity into one of positive energy and output.  It allows for employees to work collaboratively to “dream”, “design”, and realize the institution’s “destiny”.  We began the day with a modified version of the process to introduce the concept and get the teachers thinking positively about change.  Rivki Wiener, our much acclaimed second grade teacher, came up with an appropriate catch phrase to describe this initiative – “gratitude attitude!”  Rivki was also the creator of our acronym, IKaRR

One of the highlights of the day was a presentation by Allison Sheppard on technology.  She went through some basics on operating our new computers and offered some trouble shooting hints for us.  She also took us on a whirlwind tour of google apps that we can use – everything from flipped classrooms, to creating you tube videos to setting up blogs.  It was enlightening and peaked everyone’s curiosity.  Allison has generously offered to work with people individually to help hone their own skills. 

There was still time to do some team building activities and to enjoy a delicious lunch prepared for us by Sandra Osdoba.  It was a day of bonding and hard work.

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